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FAQ > Hardwood Floor Cleaning > Will my floor be wet and possibly damaged?

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No. We will first evaluate your floor to see if it is eligible for cleaning without being damaged. It is very rare that a floor is not eligible, and this is only ever due to incorrect installation.

The machine used has squeegees with vacuums in front of and behind the agitating brush. Almost as soon as the solution is on your floor and doing its job, it gets sucked right back up. What little moisture left, if any, dries very quickly. In fact, the cleaning solutions are formulated with a little alcohol in them to help them dry even faster.

Standing water is defined as water that sits for more than ten minutes. This will never happen on your floor, because we keep a towel handy at all times to immediately wipe up any water that could possibly be missed by the vacuum.

Last updated on October 13, 2011 by Champion Cleaning Systems