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FAQ > Hardwood Floor Cleaning > Why do I need my wood floor cleaned?

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Hardwood floors develop a build up of grease, oils, dirt and more over time, no matter what home cleaning product you use. The reason is because of the pockets in your floor’s finish, and the texture of the grain in the wood. The pockets are not visible to the eye because they’re so small. This build up, though small, eventually becomes visible, giving your floor an overall dirty appearance; even after you clean it. The longer this collection sits in these pockets, it gets ground in; wearing away the finish no matter how good of a finish it is.

Also, most people have not been educated to know that oil soaps, waxes, and other popular citrus wood cleaners are actually bad for your floor. These can actually cause the floor to develop sticky build-ups, a white build-up, or just attract dirt faster.

Our eight-step cleaning process will remove this dirt and grime, even the build-up left from other cleaners, saving the life of your floor. This revolutionary system and machine remove the build-up from these pockets, using different solutions on each step for separate types of soiling. The rotating brush helps get the solution into these pockets and pull everything out. The vacuum follows right behind it to suck the solution, now dirty, off the floor.

Last updated on October 13, 2011 by Champion Cleaning Systems