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FAQ > Sewage Backup (6 entries)

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  • Raw sewage is mainly gray or black water. It often contains the organic waste and wastewater produced by household and industrial sources. It can contain everything from soap to solid waste, ...
  • Exposure to sewage or its products may result in diseases such as: Gastroenteritis, Hepatitis, Occupational asthma, Weil's disease, Allergic Alveolitis. In extreme cases exposure to sewage can cause fatal damage to ...
  • Solid Flushes The most common cause of sewage backup is a blockage of the lateral service pipe between the home and the city main. This is usually caused by solid ...
  • Stinky sewage back-up and overflowing drains are a very common cause of damage to homes and businesses, especially those located in flat areas or near the bottom of slopes. Many policies ...
  • FROM THE IICRC/THE CLEANTRUST: Here are the key principles homeowners should know about sewage back-ups: Sewage contains a variety of pathogenic – disease ...
  • A "do-it-yourself" approach to sewage and septic cleanup is NOT encouraged. The sewage backup restoration process involves a series of steps, to be taken in a specific order, and that need ...